NOTICE: Posting of Advertisements is Strictly Prohibited
Dear Members,We have recently noticed an increasing number of English language advertisements being posted on our forum. Please be aware that this community is dedicated to open and authentic discussions, and the posting of advertisements or promotional content is strictly against our policies.
Effective immediately, the following rules will be enforced:
1. No Advertising or Self-Promotion: Any posts containing advertisements, promotional content, or links to commercial products or services will be removed. This includes posts promoting personal websites or social media accounts with commercial intent.
2. Language Guidelines: Since this is a Chinese language forum, we kindly request all members to post in Chinese to maintain the coherence and unity of the community.
3. Reporting of Violations: If you notice any posts that violate these rules, please report them to the moderators immediately. We rely on our community members to help us maintain a respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone.
4. Consequences of Violations: Any members found to be in violation of these rules may be subject to warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans, depending on the severity and frequency of the violations.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Together, we can maintain a friendly, engaging, and advertisement-free community.
Thank you for your attention.
Best Regards,
New Horizons
Pikafish Forum
thanks a lot!